Hey friends! So, I dropped the cover reveal for BLESS THE MOTHER yesterday and the response was incredible. Thank you all so much for the great feedback! This is my favorite cover in the series so far.
I also announced the September 20, 2024 publication date! Fortunately, you can now preorder the ebook on Amazon at https://a.co/d/iiNIGLn . Jump on the ebook preorder today!
How many of you would be interested in preordering signed paperbacks or hardcovers?
Also, hit reply and let me know what you're reading this holiday weekend! I'm fully involved in adventure horror this weekend finishing Shadow of the Hidden by Kev Harrison, a great guy and a wonderful horror author. I'm also wrapping up The Wild Dark from my dear friend Katherine Silva. The world she's built in this series is truly unique and full of action. And of course, there're a load of grief to anchor the heart and pull me deeper into the aching depths of the story. LOVE IT.
Have you read them?
L.C. Marino
Woo hoo!!!
So excited! I’m reading (rereading) C. S. Lewis’s space trilogy this weekend. It’s been a few years.